Iglesia de Cristo - Santiago de Chile
   Inicio      Cantos      Church of Christ Choir

Church of Christ Choir
  1. Give Ear O Heavens.
  2. God Loves me as I am.
  3. What Shal I Render....
  4. Manifold Wisdom of God.
  5. Abundant Life.
  6. Closer To Thee.
  7. Eagles Soar.
  8. Far Above Rubies.
  9. Working My Salvation Out.
  10. My Savior's Body.
  11. Shelter of Your Wings.
  12. I Want to See Heaven.
  13. Arise! Arise!.
  14. Gospel Stands Alone.
  15. Near to Thee.
  16. Reasons I Believe.
  17. Lord to Love You.
  18. People of the Lord.
  19. Help Me Give.
  20. As the Lamb.
  21. May My Life be Holy.
  22. Nature's Voice.
  23. The Great Call.
  24. Bow Down Your Ear.
  25. Born Again.
  26. God Reigns.
  27. In Your Bible Class.
  28. His Will Allow.
  29. Whatever Things are True.
  30. Who Shall Not Fear You.